Telnet like it is 1995

The Cuban Bar is a telnet chat server created in 1995 at the University of Nijmegen by Patrick Hochstenbach (aka Fidel). The service has been up and running, with some gaps, since this date. This website provides access to the Cuban Bar chat server in its original form. All interaction with users world wide need to be done via a telnet client.


To connect to the Cuban Bar you need to have a telnet client. Follow the steps below for your operating system.


Download and install Putty. Open a new Putty window and set the following parameters:


Port: 1234

Connection type: Telnet


Open a new terminal windows (Cmd-Space and type 'terminal'). Inside this window type:

telnet 1234

On Linux telnet is installed standard in many distributions. For instance, on Ubuntu open a terminal window (Alt-Ctrl-T) and use the telnet command:

telnet 1234

Create an account

When you are connected to the Cuban Bar chat server, you are welcomed by a login screen. Create a new acconty by typing New at the login prompt and follow all the steps.

First commands

To find your way around in the talker, here are a list of useful commands

To check who is in the talker type:


Check who is with you in an area type:


Move to another room type:

.go <area_name> (e.g. .go fireplace)

Read more help information type:


Chat with other people in the room by typing any message:

bla bla bla

Quit the session:


Request a level 1 status:

.request <your email address>

Other telnet hosts

Do you like telnet? There are many other hosts available at this address: